Boxbeams Above Windows and Doors

We are placing the internal lintel support over the windows and doors. This consists of two horizontal SYP 2” x 8”s with a vertical 2” x 12” T’d over each one. 6” spacers of 2” x 10” are then placed between the 2” x 12”s every 16” o.c. Each lintel will need to rest on the cob wall 6” on each side. They will then be filled with cob and the wall will continue up a few more inches before we put in the bond beam that will run continuously around the entire structure. The trick here is that the cob is still shrinking a bit, especially on the newer wall where the cob is not as dry. It’s important that the weight of the box beam be on the cob and not the window buck, or the loads will not distribute correctly and the corners of the cob wall will crack badly. So we have wedges over each vertical section of the window and door bucks to ensure that if the cob does settle below the level of the vertical framing member of the bucks, we can squeeze in more cob to ensure the lintels rest on the masonry of the monolithic adobe wall.


Capping the cob wall with a bond beam


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